Friday, January 8, 2010

Mullet of the Week #1: The Mudflap vs. Product

The Mullet, one of the infamous hairstyles of the 80's known for being "business on top, party at the back". This haircut is also known as: The Tennessee Top Hat, Camaro Cap, Kentucky waterfall, The Mudflap, and The Canadian Passport.

Whatever name it goes by, fellas, cut that shit off.

How this haircut survived the 80's, I have no idea. It's like a cockroach. It just won't die.

This guy could be a sweetheart, but I will never know because I just can't get past that mullet. It's gelled, by Jove. Product. He went metrosexual on the mullet.

Mullets and hair gel should never go together, just like a mullets should not be coupled with porn 'stashes. A nasty product ridden mullet on top of a porno mustache is enough to make me reach for my Purell and my mace.

Poor guy. I just want to hold him down and shave his head. Along with his face.

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